
Literary Work: エリちゃんは犬が欲しいですよ!


キンコンカンコン〜 夏休みが始まりました!






Explanation of katakana used:
エリ: while it is uncommon, some Japanese people are given katakana or hiragana first names
アレグギー (allergy): this is a loanword from English
キンコンカンコン: this is an onomatopoeic description of the sound of a school bell 
コロンビア大学 (Columbia University): katakana is used because Columbia is a foreign name
パパ and ママ: because Eri is a little girl, she still calls her parents papa and mama instead of moving towards using other words like 母 or 父. These are technically not Japanese words, though, so they are represented in katakana.
プレゼント (present): this is a loanword from English
ペット屋 (pet store): this is a combination of a loanword from English (pet) with the Japanese 屋 (store)
ワンワン and ヲオオオオオオオン: these are onomatopoeias for the sounds that the dogs in the shop made

The katakana used in my piece represent many of the ways katakana is used, including names, onomatopoeia/sound effects, and loanwords. I did not present an example of emphasis because it seems to be used most often in printed media that relies on appearance, such as advertisements or manga, and not in stories.